Ever since this was announced by Alter I
was hyped for the figure.. until it came up for preorder and it was wtf
alter - a 1/10 scale figure for about 300sgd?! My Kino figure was 1/8
and is only 1/3 that price. Though Alter is known for the really absurd
price but they do deliver.
I went through
Amiami first and noticed it costs a bomb, but then I checked out other
stores and stumbled upon Big in Japan, which had it listed for 19,990¥
and with shipping costs 22,200¥, close to the actual listed price.
was listed to be released around august 2020 back when I ordered
September 2019, but because of the pandemic it got delayed all the way to
February 2021, but alas the beauty is here ~
figure came with a pretty boring base, but luckily it is able to
support on its own. Whats cool is there is magnets in the scooter seat
so Shimarin can nicely snap onto the seat without any pegs or supports.
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